HttpWorX Help
HttpWorX can be started more then once for multiple surveillance of
internet files. The data of the last open window will be saved.

Folder for downloaded files
Select a folder on your hard drive where the downloaded files have to be saved.
This is the internet address including the file name. In case of a HTML page it
has .htm or .html. You can do a standard server authorization like this:
Where 'username' and 'password' are your login data. So the login can be

Select the program language. Currently available is German and English.
This is the surveillance interval in minutes.
Start download after click on start button
If this box is activated then the program checks the file right after
clicking on the start button. Otherwise first an interval length will be waited
until the first check.
Compress files
If you would like to compress downloaded files, which is recommended for
text files like server statistics, check this box.
This defines the level of compression. Higher makes a file smaller but takes
more time.
ZIP Password
The compressed file can have a password protection. If the field is empty
then the file is access able to everybody.
Add date and time to file name
Activate this box and all files will be saved with its download date and
time. This can work together with the version check so that only different file
versions will be stored.
Always overwrite file
This overwrites an exiting file every time a new one with the same file name
is downloaded.
Check file version
This checks the version of a file. Once on program start the HttpWorX
download the file and the it checks if the file in the web has an other file
version. If yes then it will be downloaded, if no then the program goes in
waiting mode for the next interval.
Show connection errors
This shows a window with connection error messages like a 404 if a page was
not found.
HttpWorX is shareware. The window for registering appears every
program start or can be displayed by clicking the button 'Register' in the
settings window. The trial phase is either 21 days or 100 starts of the
program so that the functions can be tested with no other limits. If the
trial phase is over the program
can only be started with a valid license.
Every user on a system needs its own license.
If you want to buy a license for HttpWorX then click on the button 'Buy' in the
register window or use this link:

If you own a valid license then enter the data as sent to you by email.
Please be sure the data is entered correctly. The buttons next to the
fields copy the content from the clipboard into the related field. Then
click register and close the register window. The register window will not
be showed anymore.
SDW Software Guarantee
- All programs and installers of SDW Software
do not contain or install any spy ware, mal ware,
promotion or other components which are questionably for data
privacy or security reasons.
- All applications do no hidden connections to the
internet and do not receive any data from the internet.
In the start menu of each SDW Software application is a link to the product
website to check for updates.
You have questions? Please send an
email to
English • Deutsch